Project Description
Release: September 19, 1990
OS: MS-DOS 2.11 or greater
CPU: 8 mhz or faster recommended
Memory: 512 KB recommended
Drives: 3.5″ Disks or 5.25″ Disks
1.5 MB Hard drive space
Video: Tandy Graphics, CGA, EGA, MCGA (PS2), VGA, and Hercules Monochrome
Audio: Roland MT-32, Ad Lib, Game Blaster, Sound Blaster, Tandy, IBM and other music sythesizers
Optional: Mouse/Joystick
CPU: 8 mhz or faster recommended
Memory: 512 KB recommended
Drives: 3.5″ Disks or 5.25″ Disks
1.5 MB Hard drive space
Video: Tandy Graphics, CGA, EGA, MCGA (PS2), VGA, and Hercules Monochrome
Audio: Roland MT-32, Ad Lib, Game Blaster, Sound Blaster, Tandy, IBM and other music sythesizers
Optional: Mouse/Joystick
Walkthrough: TXT
Other: Sierra Help Pages